Kristel Gonzalez

Kristel Gonzalez | Perfil en Español
Kristel Gonzalez is a Legal Assistant at Mayeaux & Associates L.C. in Baton Rouge, LA. Kristel is responsible for assisting with family immigration cases. She was born and raised in Caracas-Venezuela, where she graduated from Santa Maria University with a major in Criminal Procedure Law. Although she was able to obtain many recognitions and experience in Litigation, unfortunately and with much pain, she was forced to leave her native country due to the political and socio-economic situation.

She chose Ecuador as her first transitory country and for 3 years, she worked in the area of Civil Law at the Sixth Public Notary of the Pichinca District in the capital Quito. She learned to love Ecuador as her own this country, always valuing and respecting its unique culture.

This first step gave her the necessary strength to immigrate again to her new home, the United States of America. There she has worked as an Immigration Legal Assistant in the area of Family Law. Helping individuals and understanding first hand all the difficulties that all immigrants face, regardless of their race, skin color or economic position. She is passionate about helping immigrants and reminding them that as long as there is a dream, there is a path to follow no matter how small it may seem, and that it is never too late to start over.

Mayeaux & Associates L.C. Está Aquí para Usted

En Mayeaux & Associates L.C. nos enfocamos en los desafíos legales que enfrenta cada inmigrante mientras construye una nueva vida en los Estados Unidos. Estamos aquí para escucharle y ayudarle a navegar por el sistema legal.

Contáctenos Hoy

Desde nuestras oficinas en Baton Rouge y Kenner, los abogados de Mayeaux & Associates L.C. están comprometidos con responder sus preguntas sobre los asuntos legales más importantes. Ofrecemos Consultas Gratuitas (en persona o por teléfono/video) y con gusto discutiremos su caso con usted a su conveniencia. Contáctenos hoy para agendar una cita.